Sunday, May 4, 2014

So there's three villains, but one of them is only onscreen for about 5 minutes. (Amazing Spiderman 2 review)

Here is my full length review of Amazing Spiderman 2. If you want less info but still want to see what I thought of the movie, please check out my short and sweet review below this one.

Anyway let's do this thing.

The Story:

Peter Parker aka Spiderman, misses the graduation of his girlfriend Gwen Stacy because he was out fighting crime. Max Dillon an employee at Oscorp, his saved by Spiderman when he is nearly run over by a large truck that the "Web head" was chasing. After Peter tells Max that he is Peter's eyes and hears, Max becomes obsessed with Spiderman. On his birthday Max has to stay after hours, to fix a electrical issue. But he gets electrocuted, and falls into a vat of genetically engineered electric eels. When he wakes up, he finds that he now has blue skin an electricity flowing through him. Spiderman confronts him after he attacks several cops. Max now using the name Electro discovers that Spiderman doesn't recognize him, and they become enemies.

The Movie:

So yeah Spiderman 2 is awesome, go see it. I'm not kidding, stop what you're doing and go see this movie. I'll wait until you come back.


What are you still doing here? I told you to go see it! Fine I'll finish reviewing the dang thing.

So I guess I'll start out by saying that Amazing Spiderman 2 is vastly superior to the original. And The Amazing Spiderman was phenomenal film. I think though that this one is also much darker than the first movie. There is literally a scene in this movie where a guy is killed, only to be brought back 3 seconds later so that he can be killed again, well sort of. The villain's need the guy to get something they want.

And while I'm on the subject the villains are awesome! Well all except Paul Giamatti as the Rhino. It's not that he is a bad actor, and it's not that he is bad at the role. He's only on the screen for about all of 5 minutes in this movie. There just isn't enough of him in this movie! You get the feeling that the only reason he's on screen at all is because they're setting up for the next movie.

Jamie Foxx as Electro is great. You really feel for this guy. He has a crappy job, with a boss that treats him like dirt. And to top it all off they don't acknowledge him for designing a giant set of power generating poles which powers the whole city. No wonder Max turned evil, everyone treated him like crap when he was good.

But hands down my favorite of the villains is Dean DeHaan as Harry Osborne/The Green Goblin. He wants a sample of Spiderman's blood, because he thinks that it will save him from a disease he inherited from his father. Oscorp is also taken from him, leaving him with none of his fathers research into the disease. Dean makes Harry into a very tragic character who is grasping onto what little time he has left. And when he turns into the Goblin, he got the evil smile and laugh down.

Blurred because I don't want to spoil how evil he looks.  

Oh and before you ask the villains are handled better then in Spiderman 3.

Oh man it's so STUPID.

Emma Stone is still great, and she has great chemistry with Andrew Garfield. And its pretty much because they are dating in real life.

Andrew Garfield is still really awesome in his role. He's got the role of Spiderman down to a science. And he's got the humor down as well. He is Spiderman. Forget Tobey Maguire that never happened, because Andrew Garfield is the only person I want to play Spiderman now. He's that good.

(Smaller because Andrew is Superior to Tobey.)

Btw the secret scene in this movie is just a trailer for Xmen: Days of futures past, so you can just skip the credits because it was kinda underwhelming and stupid.

Also what the heck happened to some of these scenes that are in the trailer? You know the Part where Harry says "Oscorp had you under surveillance." That scene isn't in the movie. I mean what the heck? They did the same thing in the trailers for the first movie. Its a marketing ploy, and I want them to stop doing this in the future.

The Music and Presentation:

The Music in this movie is good as usual. I don't know what it is about new movies but I feel like the music is good, but not really noteworthy. I guess it sets the mood? Yeah thats what it does. Theres also this song that plays whenever Electro on screen thats pretty cool.

There is a lot of slow motion in this movie, and I don't mind it that much. Probably because the fights move really fast that some of the time it can be hard to tell whats going on. Neither it going too fast or too slow is that big of a problem though.

The action was pretty cool, but that's a given.

I really like the way that Electro, and Green Goblin look; I think the studio did a lot of work on them.

Rhino not so much, but he's only there for 5 minutes anyway, so whatever.

The Verdict and Final Thoughts:

The Amazing Spiderman 2 has taken the place of Capt. America 2 as my favorite Marvel movie. The acting is great, the action phenomenal, and the Villains just plain awesome. They are definitely setting up a Sinister Six movie, and I'm excited about that. The only thing I didn't really like about the film was the marketing campaign. So with all this in mind I give Amazing Spiderman 2 nine out of ten stars. It's a "Must see" movie.

Seriously what was with that secret scene?

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