Monday, August 19, 2013

Children. Children! (Night of the Hunter review)

So what does a movie title like this put in your head? Not really good things, I know. But there is a kind of mystery about this "Hunter." Who is he and what does he do?

I can tell you right now it's not pretty.

Night of the Hunter stars Robert Mitchum as a preacher who travels the countryside, preaching the lord's words, collecting money, and leaving a trail of dead women in his wake. One day the father of a small family steels almost ten hundred dollars, and hides it before he is arrested. Now all that stands in the way of preacher Harry Powell and the money, is the children who know where it is hidden.

This movie is terrifying, and it's only made worse by the spot on performance of Robert Mitchum, who can even make singing and calling for the children scary. Even if you haven't see the beginning of the movie and come in around the thirty minute mark, you can still tell this guy is messed up. He even tells a story about love and hate, he even acts it out with his hands that love and hate tattooed on his hands. If you look back up at the cover you can see that he covers up love often.

The music is eerie, and at points can put your on the edge of your seat.

All in all this movie is really good, it's made it on a list of the top ten movies you should see by fourteen, and has been parodied by many things including The Simpsons.

I will be giving this movie 9 out of 10 stars, it is a "Must watch" movie.

Have Fun!

Wow it's been more than a month, and Big news!

So it's been a little more than a month since I've posted anything, I don't know why. But I can tell you some of the games I'm going to be reviewing soon!

First off we have Fire emblem one of my favorite video game series of all time!

Next I'll review Minecraft because, I don't know it's Minecraft. It's kind of a big thing.

I'm not really sure how to review something as huge as Minecraft, but I'm up for the challenge.

And finally I will be reviewing one of the last major games on the Wii...

... The Last Story

By the way, this doesn't mean I won't be reviewing anything else in between, I just don't know about it yet.

Anyway hope your going to enjoy the things to come.

Have fun.