Monday, September 16, 2013

Can't wait for the next Smash Bros? Well look no further!

Smash Bros. There are not that many series that are like it. It's kinda one of those games where some games try to copy it, but they don't come that far. Cartoon Network Punch time Explosion is an example of this.

A game that fares better off is Playstation Allstars but that game is very different than Smash Bros and is an other post entirely.

Well if you like Smash Bros. in any way, shape, or form, and can't possibly wait for the new one (Don't know what it's called) than you should check out Super Smash Flash 2.

Super Smash Flash 2 is a fan made flash game that is somewhat of a tribute of to Smash Bros. and it is very epic.

It is made by Cleod9 and hand full of developers. I've been watching the development of this game for I think about five years now, since it's original versions.

Now a cool thing about this game is there are not only Nintendo, Sega, SquareEnix, and Capcom characters in it (yes there is Mega man in this game), there are also anime characters.

Everything is well balanced and fun, and can make for very interesting gameplay.

The game is still in the demo stage, but is very close to completion (maybe a year left in development) So you guys should go check it out.

I will be reviewing the final version when it comes out, so look for that some time.

Have Fun