Its basically a tribute to all 80's B-movies, and I'm way to excited for it. The premise is about a Renegade cop in 80's with Kung fu super powers, who must be hacked back in time to defeat Adolf Hitler (a.k.a. Kung Fuhrer.)
Along his way he will have to fight an evil sentient Arcade Machine, street gangs, and Ninjas. He will need to team up with a ragtag group including; two viking babes with machine guns, a super computer nerd, a T-rex, and a Triceratops cop.

If this premise does make you geek out in the slightest, then I have to believe there is something wrong with you.
The finished 30 minute film will be released sometime between may 22nd through 29th, and I'm stoked for it. Its going to be awesome.

Thinking back to when I decided to donate to Kung Fury, I keep trying to decide what hooked me on it. Was it how amazingly 80's camp the whole thing is? Because I feel like Kung Fury perfectly captures the whole 80's vibe. Heck its made to look like the whole film was ripped from a VHS tape. Check out this trailer for the incredibly terrible film The Miami Connection:
Its so bad. But I feel that Kung Fury isn't trying to take itself seriously. It revels in the 80's camp, knowing full well that the 80's were an very interesting time for films to say the least. And to further prove my point lets look at a bunch of 80's movies posters:

Now here is a poster for Kung Fury:

Or maybe I decided to donate to the project because the project sort of reminded me of the types of films I try to make. Plus they don't have a huge budget so they couldn't really shoot on location, they only had one Police uniform, and one Nazi uniform. So most of the film has to be shot on green screen, and that takes a lot of work and dedication.

Plus the creator just seems so passionate about what he is doing, I had to help make this movie a reality.
Since the project was announced they have received about $630,019, as well as lots of excitement from the internet. And on April 16th they released a music video for one of the songs in the soundtrack called True Survivor. But whats really cool about it, is that its performed by David Hasselhoff.

Check it out:
I love this track. You can totally see it being in campy 80's buddy cop movies, or even something like Karate Kid. But what I like most about it is what it tells us about Kung Fury. There were somethings I noticed in my time watching this video on loop. Here are something I'm getting out of this:
If you listen closely to the lyrics in the first verse you get somethings about the plot of the movie. "Dynamos falling, riot in the streets. Maybe this time there's no retreat, there's no surrender. A devil is rising, a shadow from the past. Feeding the flames, the fire on the edge of fury."
Now if you take this with the images of street gangs, and the and of Hitler, it makes it seem like somehow our friend Adolf is causing problems in 80's miami. Like somehow the higher presence of street gangs is being caused by Hitler. Like through some convoluted time travel, or maybe he sent an Nazi agent to the future. Anyway you look at it, it say on the wikipedia page of Kung Fury that Hitler is somehow responsible for the death of Kung fury's partner. Leading him to be assigned a new partner in the form of Triceracop.

Now you could just say that all of this is just me over analyzing a music video, for a 30 minute action comedy movie, that isn't even out yet. And you would be right, but thats sort of my job. Plus other people are doing it too, even if they have no idea what they are talking about:
Heh, anyway.
Have fun!
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