#10 Super Mario bros.
Yes Mario is at number ten, but hey this isn't my top ten least favorite Nintendo franchises, it's my favorite. Mario just doesn't really do that much for me, because I wasn't raised on Platformers, (played lots of strategy games instead like: Warcraft, Starcraft, and Advance wars.) But Mario is still a really good franchise, and has actually tried the innovate it's formula in recent years with the release of the Mario Galaxy series.

And Mario pretty much saved the video game industry during the 80's, so I tip my hat to you Mario.
#9 Kirby
Ah the Kirby series. Not many games make me just happy in general than the Kirby games do. But if I do have one negative thing to say about it, it's probably that I think to many of the Kirby games are really easy. That's not a bad thing by any means though, because Kirby is a great way to start kids off when they are beginning to play games.
#8 Pokemon
I've recently hoped aboard the Pokemon bandwagon, and I have to say its only okay. But they are a fun little set of games anyway, and I'm glad I checked them out. I can see the appeal to having a pet Pokemon, especially when it's a hybrid of my two favorite animals.
But I don't really like the combat system, and if you don't like the combat then the story isn't much to stick around for. But the idea of having over a hundred different party members is really cool for an RPG, I just wish they weren't animals.
#7 Earthbound
Earthbound is the game that spawned our favorite psychic kid Ness. Its a cult classic, and is very under appreciated. Earthbound is bright and colorful, and has a great sense of humor.
Ah who am I kidding, this game is messed up!
#6 Metroid
Metroid is awesome.
I really don't feel the need to say anything else, other than it was the first video game ever to have a female protagonist, which is really cool too. So yeah.
#5 The Legend of Zelda
I LOOOVEEE Zelda. You can't go wrong, every Zelda game is near perfect, (with only a few minor flaws.)
The combat is great, the story is great, the puzzles are great. ITS GREEAAT.
But that timeline is kinda stupid.
#4 Punch Out
You have to try and memorize your opponents patterns, while trying not to get knocked out. And that theme is really awesome!
For 30 minutes because why not.
#3 Xenoblade Chronicles
I know this is kind of cheating, but Nintendo did buy Monolith soft back in 2007 so this is a Nintendo franchise now. Xenoblade is a fairly new series, but it is related to the Xenogear games. Xenoblade Chronicles is a really awesome game.
It has so many hours of gameplay, story, and one of the only games on the Wii that has near close to an open world.
Don't get into this series without thinking about it first though. Its too much fun, it will suck you in and you won't be able to escape! Oh and Shulk is in Smash now, so yay!
#2 Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem is the type of game you learn to have a love-hate relationship with. One minute you are having a great time defeating enemies, and then your favorite character gets him, or herself killed. If you keep going and finish the battle that character won't be usable for the rest of the game, so of course you have to start the level over, and hope you don't screw up this time.
Its a very unique strategy game, and I highly recommend it.
Before I talk about #1 here is an honorable mention.
Honorable mention: Sin and Punishment
Sin and Punishment is what you would call a bullet hell shooter, your enemies projectiles litter the screen, leaving your only options being dodge, and fight back.
These games are really hard, they almost remind me of one of those punishing arcade games were if you aren't playing right you could die really fast.
I really like hard games like this, because I feel like my hand isn't being held the whole game. And speaking of difficulty...
If you've ever talked to me for more than a few minutes about Nintendo games, I will have mentioned F-Zero. And if you've ever played Mario Kart with me you will have heard how I prefer F-Zero over it. I can't help it, F-Zero is my favorite Nintendo franchise, but man is it hard.
This is a game that you have to practice to get good at, or else you will just get slaughtered on the higher difficulties. And while you are being pounded into the ground even on the easiest difficulty, you just want to give up! But once you get good at the game, it becomes so much fun to play.
It may seem rather simplistic, compared to Mario Kart, but F-Zero has a surprising amount of strategy. Do you use some of your life to boost and try to catch up to the person in front of you, or do you wait because they might get blown up by one of the other racers.
F-Zero practically invented the futuristic racing genre, and its probably the best one too. Not to mention how awesome everything looks, and man Captain Falcon is just too cool.
Well guys that was my list of My Top Ten Favorite Nintendo Franchises. I hope you enjoyed it.
Get Wrecked!