Saturday, January 25, 2014

I live!

I have risen from my from my long winter slumber, and I'm ready to start reviewing again. I was planing on writing a few reviews during the holidays but that fell through. So to make to make it up to you all I've decided to do something special for February. I'll will be writing posts about one of my favorite video game franchises, and one of my new favorite Disney movies.


Look at that I even learned how to use Photoshop just for you.

So yeah during the month of February I will be writing posts that are related to Fire emblem, as well as entirely different posts that related to Frozen. They will be a mix of reviews, interesting facts, and history, so prepare for excitement.

Now some of the lame people will begin to start saying things like, "But Fire emblem and Frozen aren't related in any way." Well that is where you are wrong.

You see, they are related in two ways.

First, they both have f as the first letter of their names. And secondly, it's my blog and I can do whatever the heck I want.

Anyway, see ya round.