Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pacific Rim review (or Godzilla on steroids)

I just watched this movie last night and thought I should review it.

So Pacific Rim, I'm a little torn about this movie. On the one hand this movie is pretty awesome, I mean giant Mechs fighting giant monsters, that's pretty cool. On the other hand once your done watching it you say: "Hey, that movie was the best." But then after thinking about it for hours you say, "It was fun to watch but its not the best I've ever seen, it's just a summer blockbuster." That pretty much sums up this whole movie.

Now I could just give you a score and end here, but that would be boring. So I guess I'm going to continue this review. *sigh.* Okay.

The story is somewhat simple, but it works. Beneath the Pacific ocean there is a portal to another dimension that giant monsters live in. Around the year 2013 a giant monster comes out and blows up some major cities. After a few years and four or five giant monster attacks later, the governments of the world decide to do something about it. They decide to play Rock 'Em Sock 'Em robots with the monsters.

I want to just stop briefly here tell what I think of this story line... Sadly this is hardly an original story, you can see this story replayed over and over in a five or six year old's room. But it still fun to watch so I guess it's okay.


After several years have passed, and several pilots of these Mechs have died the world decides to STOP MAKING THE ROBOTS!

What the heck!? What's wrong with these people!? When giant monsters attack you don't dismantle your first line of defense!

Anyway, they then decide to build these walls around the beaches to keep the monsters out, which I must add doesn't work. So they then send their last Mechs on a suicide mission to blow up the portal.

Now that that's over with lets talk about acting or something, please?

The acting is only okay, this is not a movie made to go to the Oscars. The only really stand out performances are probably both the scientists and Ron Perlman.

I really like the way the Mechs and Monsters look, I think their two of the things with the most detail in this movie. I think they look so good that I'm going to show a few of pictures now.

I like this movie a lot, but it's not the best. I was very fun to watch, and I will want to see it again. So I'm going to give it seven out of ten stars, it is "Fun to watch once or twice."

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